Wednesday, March 23, 2022

Why I Quit Duolingo

My longest streak on Duolingo ends here. Find out why I've decided to sever ties with the language-learning app, and why it's for the best.

Believe it or not, I'm okay with learning another language. That was how I had discovered Duolingo, because I wanted to learn a different language. 

However, its in-your-face gamification - the weekly challenges, and trying to raise your XPs (or points earned from completing lessons) - has become repetitive. It's an addiction that keeps you trying to outshine other users. It becomes a game of who can earn the most points in learning a language, rather than its initial purpose of helping people learn a language.

My Experience

Using this app, I was dabbling in a few different languages, including:

  • Spanish
  • Dutch
  • Hebrew
  • Korean
  • Latin

However, I found myself spending more time with the Dutch language (You'll notice that part of my name "vrouw" means "woman" in Dutch).

Unfortunately, my experience eventually went downhill when I saw that the constant need to rank high in the so-called "Leagues" each week was growing on me. I didn't like it. It was tiresome, repetitive, and not wholesome in the least. Rather than growing in my learning, I was addicted to the gamification that the app had to offer. That's not why I had come to the app in the first place. I wanted to learn a different language.

Calling It Quits

So, one day, after hitting Day 1,142 on the app, I decided that enough was enough. I made the conscious decision to uninstall the app from my Android phone. Upon seeing the "Uninstalling" message on my phone, it felt like a weight was lifted from my chest. That obligation of keeping up with the app daily was gone. 


So, what comes next? 

Well, there are other ways to learn another language. In fact, there are alternatives to Duolingo like Babbel, which I might check out later. Plus, there are other resources like books, shows, and other types of media. While consistency is key when learning a new language, it's still important to keep in mind why you're learning a new language. You don't want to turn it into a game of who can score more points learning a language. Otherwise, the lessons you'll learn will go in one ear and out the other.

Thursday, February 24, 2022

YouTube's Video Playback Settings: How To Turn Them On And Off (With Pictures)

Ever wondered how you can prevent videos from playing back when you don't want them to? Check out this simple guide!

Source: YouTube

YouTube has many videos to choose from. But have you ever found it annoying for some videos to play automatically as you browse through the site? Or just don't want to get confused by videos playing automatically?

Good news! You can turn playbacks on and off! Here's how:

On Desktop

To turn playbacks on and off on desktop:

  • Go to the top right-hand corner of the YouTube homepage.
  • Click on your profile picture (the circle). This will produce a drop menu.
  • In the drop menu, click on "Settings."

  • On the left side of your screen, look for "Playback and Performance," and click on it.
  • Scroll down, and you'll find the text "Browsing." Next to it, you'll see a little switch along with the label "Inline Playback." Here, you can switch it on and off.

On Smartphones

To turn playbacks on and off in the YouTube app on smartphones:
  • Repeat the first three steps that you would do on the desktop version.
  • Next, tap "General."
  • Then, tap "Playback in Feed."
  • From there, you'll have the option of leaving playbacks on, turning them off, or having them on when you're somewhere with Wi-Fi.

On Tablets

Unfortunately, the tablet version (e.g. iOS) of the YouTube app does not give you the ability to turn playbacks on and off. Whether that feature will be added in a future update or not is uncertain.

So, there you have it! 
Playbacks don't have to be a burden when browsing YouTube. Remember: You have the power to enjoy YouTube however you like. 

Have fun!

Tuesday, February 22, 2022

Fortnite: Damaging Players With Clingers!

Want to learn how to take out opponents with clingers on Fortnite? This guide will show you the tips and tricks of using the recently unvaulted clingers!

Source: Epic Games

A clinger is just one of many items that you’ll come across on Fortnite. Clingers are destructive no matter who or what they come into contact with. That means, when used correctly, you can use them to get closer to a Victory Royale!

Finding Clingers In Fortnite

First, you’ll need to find some clingers. 

Fortnite clinger

Like any other items and weapons in Fortnite, clingers can be found either lying around on the island, or you can find them inside chests. Plus, like any item or weapon, it's first come first serve.

Once you find a clinger and place it into your inventory, it’ll give you three rounds. 

Just keep in mind: You’re only allowed to carry two clingers which give you six rounds. So, be sure to plan your inventory accordingly.

Using Clingers

Using the clinger is similar to how you use firefly jars and grenades. You aim at a target and then throw it. A blue line will show you where the clinger will most likely land; so, be sure to use that line for accuracy.

Now, throwing the clinger at your targets can be tricky, seeing that other players will have weapons of their own (especially guns), and will want to take you down first. So, make sure that you’re quick in aiming and throwing the clinger at your opponent. Once the clinger has successfully landed on your opponent, it won’t be long before they get hit with a rude awakening. 

Here’s a video of how it’s done right:

Source: Kanga (YouTube)

Tips and Tricks!

Can’t get close enough to where you have a clear shot at your opponent? No problem! Here are some tips and tricks on how to make the best out of using a clinger in Fortnite:

1. Find Civilization

Believe it or not, there is much opportunity in a town or establishment. Plus, you might find some "camper" opponents in some of the buildings. 

Aim the clinger at the object (e.g., a house, a gas station, etc.), and let destruction handle the rest. While that method won’t take out your opponent entirely, it’ll still knock out some of their health. 

2. Fight Fire With Fire!

Or, chances are, opponents might be near something like a gas pump, a gas tank, or anything flammable. If you see any of these nearby along with the opponent, aim your clinger at those for an even more destructive takedown! You’ll find plenty of these in a town setting or some other form of civilization on the island.

All in all, the clinger allows you to be creative in how you use it. If one way doesn’t seem possible, then it allows you to improvise. Once you establish your own techniques for the clinger, it’ll be one of the most prized weapons in your inventory!

Friday, August 27, 2021

Rainbow Six Siege - 1st Live Stream!

Check out my 1st live stream on Rainbow Six Siege!

Saturday, July 24, 2021

Confessions of a Budget Gamer

 Hoi, allemaal! Ik ben de gamer_vrouw! (Hi, everyone! I'm the gamer_vrouw!)

Budget gaming. It's a phrase that really speaks to me. 

From my understanding, budget gaming refers to being a gamer and not having enough money to buy the most expensive gaming merch, consoles, and games. In that case, budget gaming has you waiting for game and console prices to go down (go on clearance, or be on sale), so that you can actually buy them.

I'll put this into more perspective:

Throughout my life, I found myself "waiting" to get consoles and games that I've wanted.

  • The PlayStation 2 came out in 2000, I believe. I didn't get my hands on it until 2016 for Christmas.
  • The Nintendo Switch came out in 2017. I didn't get my own Switch until summer of 2020.
  • The Playstation 4 came out in 2013. I didn't get my own PS4 until spring of 2021.
So, in the recent years (between 2016 and today), was it worth the wait?

Well, sort of. 

Saving for games and consoles was nothing new, when I was growing up. My parents did their best to provide for me - they would pay bills, work, and put food on the table. And, I was careful with what I wanted for birthdays and Christmas; so, if I wanted a game or console, it had to be something reasonable in price. Luckily, Christmas of 2006, I was fortunate enough to get a Nintendo Gamecube from family. (Needless to say, I was pretty content with a Gamecube.) Plus, the Nintendo DS was often good on the wallet (whether I've saved up for it, or if it was given to me by relatives).

In hindsight, being a budget gamer taught me to save money for things. In the three scenarios mentioned, I had to work and save my own money to get the games and consoles that I've wanted for so long. In 2016, I was unemployed; but I've managed to find a PS2 online that was cheap and in great condition, along with a good video game for it. In 2020, I started working as a remote freelance writer, and I had eventually saved enough money for a Nintendo Switch (despite the console shortage that happened during COVID-19). And, early this year, I was able to save money on a PS4 and a game for it.

As for the Playstation 5, well, prices are still outrageous, especially with the darn scalpers online trying to sell the console for $1,000 or more! It hasn't been a year yet, and the PS5 is still expensive, due to the shortage of consoles. Wow! First, the Nintendo Switch, and now the PS5 experiencing shortages? Funny!

Now, I'm not rushing to get a PS5, mainly because my PS4 already done a lot for me. I can still play a lot of games on it; so, I'm good. Plus, this vrouw isn't going to spend over $1,000 for a friggin' console. Seriously...

But anyway, this post reserves as a testament of how budget gaming doesn't have to be a curse. It's all in good faith, and it's actually made me be wiser about my money. Hopefully, the gaming industry will get it together and make games and consoles budget-friendly.

Until next time...

Ik ben de gamer_vrouw! (I am the gamer_vrouw!)

Dag! (Bye!)